I am looking for invitations from primary schools who have developed, or are using, a curriculum that goes well beyond the national curriculum: (old or new).
As you might know, I am working in a primary school in Oxford and leading on the development of a new curriculum. We are looking beyond the new national curriculum that is due in September 2014. The head and I have the support of governors to push this project towards innovative models of teaching, learning and assessment. Small changes will lead to minimal impact … and we need to make bigger changes.
We are looking at a range of options, including: Project Based Learning, creative curricula, story-based curricula, outdoor learning; as well as off-the-shelf options like the IPC.
I am leading a ‘Scouting Party’ of staff, to inform this project, and we are seeking schools to visit to illustrate what is possible to educate our staff before we make the big decisions about which direction to take. I am not sure how many schools we will be able to visit between half term and Easter, but we’d like to have a list of schools to select from.
If you would not mind a couple of colleagues visiting for the day, to understand the practice and implementation, as well as the structure of your school curriculum,… please let me know.
Thanks for your time
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