Pitch Perfect at ed-invent

Everyone won at the ed-invent Brighton 2014 day on Saturday, as it was such a great day! I was very surprised when the judges announced that my pitch had won, as the breadth and quality of the others were so good.

I did have the advantage of coming with an idea, which meant I had already considered most of the key aspects of the pitch. You can hear a brief summary of my idea here:



I will share more about the idea in a future post, so for now, you’ll have to do with listening to the Audioboo.

The day was so useful for me, partly because I was able to get such great mentoring and advice, to help me think through key issues, such as the value proposition, business models, and (of course) names!

Huge thanks to Maria,  Peps   , Jo , Dick , and Tony Parkin for their advice and guidance about how to shape and strengthen my pitch.

Many thanks, also, to all those involved in setting the day up, and to the judges for their time.

Finally, though I am not sure quite what I won (prizes had not been announced at the time of writing this), apart from a bar of choc,  but I came away with a few important gifts:

  • An absolute determination to give this idea as much of a chance to ‘live’ as possible – not just because other people told me it was great, but because I believe it in more than ever
  • Confidence in myself to pull this project together (thanks Tony !)
  • New friends

On the way home after a very long day (up at 6am, home at 12midnight) and too many miles (250!) the name came to me, and I think I should be able to announce soon!

SO… watch this space for more details.



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Loose threads in Oxford City schools

Based on my most recent work with schools in East Oxford, I have seen a huge opportunity to improve the coordination and collaboration between, and across schools in the city. There are too many loose ends, and those threads need picking up, before local provision falls further apart. I would like to find a way to do this exciting work for the city I live in, and have a few suggestions to see this happen.

I have tried to find ways to change the quality of education in the city in the past (See ONSchool) , and have developed a great network of those who care about the issues around the quality of provision in the city. Yet, I have still been shocked to find just how isolated our local schools have become from each other!

For example, while almost all schools are changing their curriculum for September, there has been almost no sharing or collaboration on this huge effort. I could list the issues I have spotted and have worked on for St Francis (around CPD, Assessment, resource planning, staffing). I am sure these are not surprising to anyone working in schools.

What has shocked me is the extent to which without an LA able to support collaboration, divided political will between City and County councils (of different political hues), Academy trusts seeking internal priorities,  most schools have been left to themselves and failed to forge effective links to help each other. While some are successfully facing down challenges and making huge successes for their children and communities, there is still not enough sharing of good practice across the City.

I would like to help change that. I am well placed, and have the skills and the energy. But more than that, this is coming from the classroom upwards – rather than being led from ‘above’.

Following a major piece of curriculum review work, at St Francis, (see here) I have recently focussed on creating links between the school, staff and children at St Francis out to the local community and other schools. The common key drivers are the move to a Storytelling based curriculum, and taking learning ‘Beyond the Classroom’.

Apart from changing the ‘What’ we teach, we want to change ‘How” we teach. To change pedagogy as well as curriculum, we need to work and learn collaboratively, otherwise all the hard work to change teaching and learning will risk not be sustained.
I have spoken to SLT at Larkrise, St. Christopher’s, and East Oxford (incoming) – to find ways to link our schools around the following:
  • Buddying up staff to support planning
  • Evolving assessment practices (avoiding a new system for each school!)
  • Develop and extend CPD opportunities
  • Encourage an evidence based practice approach
  • Linking to other educational provision (independent schools, local services, universities)
  • Improving external communication about learning

I have also begun work on a resource to support Beyond the Classroom work, and set up a regular TeachMeet, to support staff networking. Local heads and deputies have responded really well to this,  BUT this is not (yet) a coordinated piece of work.

The Isis Partnership of schools in East Oxford has floundered of late, many people privately admitting that it struggles to find relevance and direction. Yet, this is the perfect vehicle for collaboration. What is missing is clear coordination, toward positive change. Individual school leaders are doing great work, but there a missing ingredient to support them

I would like to be that added factor. This post is a direct statement of intent – but also a call for change. I know, given current financial and political realities, that there is unlikely to be a ‘job’ waiting for me – but hope that with a bit of innovation, I can find a way to continue my work.

I am talking to those who could make this happen, and hope that, as we head towards a ‘Middle Tier’ in education, I can be useful to the development of a local solution to support the families of Oxford, and to enable better coordination in our local schools.







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The 5Min Plan for Planning

My recent tweet sharing my 1st draft of a #5min plan for curriculum planning, got more retweets and favourites than anything single thing  I have done on Twitter in ages! I think I know why.

My guess is that so many people are reviewing their planning in advance of the new curriculum in September, but few have found a common way to maintain the change they want to see. I have been working with a local school to develop their curriculum and pedagogy, and this plan was created to support colleagues in retaining our criteria for our new approach. It is not complete and hints towards internal discussions – but I am glad to see it works for so many others

Please let me know what you think, and #Critique is very welcome. It would be great to know how you are using it too, as it might help our curriculum journey! Also, please adapt and use as needed from the Google Doc (see link and below).

Huge thanks, of course, to Ross McGill, who has inspired this simple and effective model for so many of us.

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A Quantum of CPD – Atomic TeachMeet

The first Atomic TeachMeet took place this week, bringing Teachmeet back to it’s roots.

logo atomic teachmeet

When Brian Sharland and I started tweeting about this, our intention was to create a regular, social and small gathering of classroom practitioners,… Or a teach meet , if you like. No stage. No pressure. No focus on technology. Just a chance for teachers to share ideas.

We hoped to start with a small group of 5, and that it exactly what happened! It was great that we had a voices from the state and independent sectors, primary and secondary – and different subject/interests – with such a small group. But this proves the theory of  Quantum CPD that we had hoped for.

Alexandra got us started and talked about Quiz and Switch, as an engaging method to make MfL matter. Brian and I were both

Brian Sharland  talk about connections between parsing in code and in MfL / Grammar for writing. This opened up all sorts of ideas

I talked about my adventures in Project Based Learning, and Critique, and got some very useful feedback on how to evaluate pupil exhibitions at the end of the project.    
By the time Ian Yorston (the most reasonable Unreasonable man you’ll ever meet!) arrived, Jane had broadened the conversation into varying ways to manage resources, and we discussed FireFly, and other VLE alternatives.

One of our sponsors, Charley from Educake, arrived to say hi, and we got to say thanks for the food and drink Educake had paid for!

So, what did we learn? Mainly, that the model works, and it is worth repeating!!! Everyone had a good time, and learned something, (including where to park on the Cowley Road!)

So, if you like the sound of Atomic TeachMeet, please sign up for the next one in July!

Finally, a HUGE thanks to the team at Atomic Pizza – Lucy, Debbie and Hannah,  for letting us have the space, use of their WiFi, pens and for their support. You guys rock,



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A Treat for Teachers

I have a pitch for you. Ready? I would like to introduce you to… TeachTreat!

An introduction service for the education world.


TeachTreat will connect teachers together, as professionals, to learn better.

TeachTreat will match schools with partners for development.

TeachTreat will be a non-profit, social enterprise with teachers at heart.


We starting local, and are currently building a Beta version, for Oxford.

If you would like to be involved, please contact me


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Atomic TeachMeet

 Quantum physics states that even the smallest parts of the universe can exist in two states at once. Atomic TeachMeet is a very small, monthly TeachMeet where CPD and fun exist in the same place. 

With the kind support of Atomic Pizza, we have a venue that has offered us room for us to talk about the teaching and learning that fills our days, in new ways, with new people. If you have never been to a TeachMeet before, then it will change your view of what CPD is – and if you have been to one before, you’ll love how intimate and refreshing Atomic TeachMeet will be.

Brian Sharland and I have tried to make the plan for the first one as dynamic as possible, but expect to see this event evolve with the people who come. We hope it will become a regular event for lots of teachers – both Primary and Secondary. We look forward to seeing you there!

SPONSORS- Sponsorship is very welcome towards the costs of food and drinks at Atomic Pizza. That said… PLEASE NOTE   As with all TeachMeets, direct selling is not allowed. There will no formal publicity materials going out or programmes on the night and no ‘main stage’ – so there will be few opportunities for placing mentions. Also, as we have only been given room for 16 people, there are no spaces for non-teacher sponsors. Any sponsorship will get you HUGE thanks on the night, and on social media. If that is ok with you, then please do get in touch with me or Brian.


Eventbrite - Atomic TeachMeet

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